Friday 30 August 2013

Want to Know How to Create Shareable Content? Vote for our SXSW Panel

cameron-uThe SXSW Panel Picker is live, and it’s up to you to vote for your favorite panels to ensure that they are selected for the year’s biggest Interactive conference, SXSW 2014 in Austin, Texas.

We have submitted five ideas, and we are highlighting each idea in separate posts in an effort to appeal to you, dear reader, for your precious votes.

Today we are highlighting a social media and storytelling panel with Cameron Uganec, our Director of Marketing, entitled “Social Storytelling: Creating Shareable Content.”


Are you curious about what makes people share (or not share) your content online? Why do some videos get shared a million times while others fall flat?

A lot of this has to do with how that content is presented and created. There are certain ways to appeal to a wider audience, to cast a wider net and increase the likelihood of your social media content getting shared. Using storytelling techniques in tandem with social media is a great way to do just that (as Cameron has explained in a blog series called Social Media and Storytelling).

Here’s a little bit more about what Cameron is planning on discussing in his panel:

Most of us carry the technology to create and consume content with us in our pockets and purses every day. With the global explosion of social media the potential for any piece of content—a 140-character tweet, a Facebook post, a blog post, infographic or a video go viral, has skyrocketed. While this can be annoying when ‘Gangnam Style’ appears on your Facebook feed a dozen times in a single day, it also presents an opportunity for those of us with a story to tell. Whether you’re working for a big brand, an agency, a small business, a not-for-profit or are just passionately plugging away on your own projects, there are certain messages and stories you want to share. But for these to have virality, it’s important that you first understand why people share content. It’s also key to understand the tools at your disposal to optimize sharability. e.g. Social video. Using the power of storytelling and social media, you can build powerful relationships and get your content shared.

Spark your interest? Vote for Cameron’s panel here.


The post Want to Know How to Create Shareable Content? Vote for our SXSW Panel appeared first on HootSuite Social Media Management.

Want to Know How to Create Shareable Content? Vote for our SXSW Panel

1 comment:

  1. Hey Thanks for sharing this blog its very helpfulto implement in our work

